Nehemiah’s call of G-d to arise and build


October 26, 2008 – After Nehemiah had appeared before his King requesting to return to his homeland and rebuild Jerusalem there was quite a stir felt all the way to Israel.

Nehemiah 2:10 (NKJ) reads, “When Sanballot the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard of it, they were desperately disturbed that a man had come to seek the well-being of the children of Israel..”

We have seen the same issues occur within the past one hundred years when Jewish immigration began to flow back to the Promised Land.

Think of the obstacle a Jewish presence in the land caused to Nazi Germany giving the persecuted a hope and geographical security.

Certainly none of the neighboring nations of the region wanted to see a rebuilding process of Israel let alone ever hear of rumors of possibility.

Replacement theologians, those believing Israel and the Jews have lost out with G-d forever, surely both then and now, are at a loss to explain the flourishing of the modern Jewish State even in the worst of times.

The basic theme of the Book of Nehemiah is the call of G-d to arise and build but whenever G-d’s servants do, Satan then arises to oppose. Evil opposition did not stop Nehemiah nor has it stopped modern Israel so even though they are in dark times presently their best days are yet ahead because G-d has ordained it!

Let us all seek the wellbeing of the children of Israel.

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