Tag Archives: G-d

Don’t Lean Stand in Faith

During the glory days of Rome,  a great famine held the Northern African colonies in a death grip. How happy the starving people were to see the Roman galleons off in the distance crying, “Caesar has sent the ships!”

The tragic reality brought the story to end in quick fashion as the deprived citizens of Rome realized the only cargo on the ships was sawdust for the floors of the circuses being dispatched to the Roman colonies.

Today as our country is in the grips of such financial dismay how many of us stand looking to the horizon for our ship to come in and bring the relief so desperately needed. Many are longing for food, medical supplies and even financial support only to be sadly disappointed that, for whatever reason, it just is not there.

Yet, many of us forget there is a G-d that watches over us ready, willing and available to meet any and all of our needs. Sadly we take our eyes off of Jesus in the storm and begin to sink as our trust is not in G-d but rather in the system.

We can never forget that G-d is our source. The widow that trusted the word of the prophet saw unlimited provision even in the midst of a horrible drought. I Kings 17:7-16.

Yes things are bad but with god we need not fear. Put your trust in G-d, He will never fail you even when the system does!

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Time For Change

Can you remember a time when there has been more controversy in our nation and more people at odds with each other?

If it’s not abortion, it’s sexual preference and if not those issues, it is the stimulus package or healthcare reform or the war on terror.

Realistically,  you will be hard-pressed to find any two people that agree on any of these issues but what about the bigger picture? Our country continues to slide down from the top of the financial mountain it once stood alone at the top of. Militarily,  other than China or Russia , no nation could match our nation’s might or its resolve to win.

While poverty was always with us,  no nation could boast of our bounty and its distribution to other nations in need. Should we expand social programs and cut the military,  or visa verse?  The speculation could go on forever so consider this: Proverbs 14:34, 35

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. The king’s favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.”

Controversy and debate will always be with us. Perhaps we should consider turning back to G-d, it would change the situation.

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Through Hell and High Water

Genesis 5:32 tells us Noah was five hundred years old when he became a father and in Genesis 6:14 the command was given to build the Ark.

He was commanded to gather two of every kind of animal, Genesis 6:19, and prepare for the flood that would come in seven days, Genesis 7:4. We are told Noah was six hundred years old when he entered in the Ark so he was faithful to warn the world for a century of impending doom.

The rain came for forty days and nights in the second month on the seventeenth day as the fountains of the deep and floodgates were opened. Genesis 7:20 tells us the water covered fifteen cubits higher than the mountains so we know that world was submerged just as G-d said it would be.

Then the Ark rested on Mt. Ararat the seventh month and on the seventeenth day.

Finally we are told the ground was dry in the 601st year of Noah in the first month and in the second month on the twenty-seventh day the earth was dry, Genesis 8:14-15.

One hundred years of warning, seven days of preparation , the water covering over a 17,000 ft mountain range, the length of the flood and the time it took to dry out all laid out in G-d’s commandments.

Noah was not without blemish but he was faithful and obedient. G-d preserved him through the worst and will do the same for us if we let Him.

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