Monthly Archives: February 2009

Who is My Friend and Who is My Enemy?

Three weeks ago Turkey’s leaders were denouncing Israel’s actions in Gaza, then within a week the same Israel provided information on multiple terror attacks planned inside Turkey by Hezbollah.

Iran has been threatening to blow Israel off the map and further threatens to punish anyone that assists the Jewish State in their defense.

America’s leaders are now attempting to make inroads with Iran hoping to achieve peaceful resolutions with this rogue nation and its terrorist entities.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia, nations more friendly to America than most, have now unofficially declared war on Iran which poses a huge threat to the Sunni Muslims. This severely hinders our relations with these nations as they watch the U.S. and Iran.

Pakistan’s relationship with America is tenuous at best as the nation that once leaned toward the west is now displeased with our nation’s military actions within their borders.

Afghanistan also is expressing the same dissatisfaction stating that coalition efforts in both Afghanistan and Pakistan are only serving to strengthen al Qaeda and the Taliban.

The Arab proverb states, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend and the friend of my enemy is my enemy.” How will man’s wisdom solve the issue of the troubled region of the Middle East?

Obviously the dividing points in the issues of the Middle East are Israel and America as well as differences between the Shia and Sunni camps. It can then be said the controversy will continue.

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It Hasn’t Gotten Better

The month of February marks the 35th Anniversary of the cult classic “Blazing Saddles” as well as the sequels “Godfather Part Two” and “Death Wish II.”

As a lead in to one of the movies the cable station states, “In 1974 America was in decline and nothing was sacred not even westerns.”

So with the ensuing thirty-five years one would have to state that scenario has not changed for the better.

Certainly traditional marriage is degraded and maligned whether through sitcoms or movies and dysfunctional seems to be the norm.

When it comes to violence genres such as Death Wish and The Godfather were considered to be the very edge of violence but where have we gone from there? If the violence of Hollywood and videos weren’t enough consider the landmark 1974 Roe vs Wade decision resulting in the death of far too many.

Disrespect is manifested toward religious and political leaders as they are lampooned on a regular basis without hesitation.

If 1974 saw America in decline, we must now look at 2009 and see just how much more we have declined as a nation and how many things are not sacred!

Solomon wrote, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” Proverbs 14:34 NASB, and our nation is moving farther from the truth.

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Experts Are the Problem

There were some people that tried to make former President Jimmy Carter’s Friday the 13th visit to Phoenix in the superstitious mode. Carter once again is on the book promotion trail with his newest effort detailing how we can solve the problems in the Middle East.

Carter thought he could change the region, even the world, by bringing the Palestinians to the table along with Egypt, Israel would give up land and presto, no more problems.

That was 1977 and since then Israel has in fact given up nearly 100% of the incorrectly called occupied territory seized in the 1967 War and the blood still flows.

Representation of the Palestinians has transitioned from long time terrorist Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas, architect of the Munich Olympic Massacre of eleven Israeli athletes to the Hamas regime that kills Palestinians and Israelis alike.

The land conceded by Israel has become nothing but literal cesspools of poverty and deprivation while billions are spent not on the Palestinian civilians but rather utilized for Israel’s destruction.

Religions, political and religious leaders of the world that continue to clamor for “land for peace” are either completely ignorant to the facts or have total disregard for truth and sadly, as long a people write books and claim to be experts on Middle East policy people will follow the same path; a path that leads only to destruction.

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Nothing is Sacred

Israeli Statesman Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that he fears the church of the Holy Sepulcher very likely could be the target of a blatant attack from Islamic terrorists.

Netanyahu maintains that such an attack could spark a series of global attacks in retaliation for violation of a Holy site revered by many Christians.

Netanyahu’s assessment is not only relevant and realistic but it also strikes deep into the dynamics of world religions. We are supposed to be living in an age of love, peace and tolerance, a time when the ecumenical bonds stretch beyond personal beliefs uniting us to our similarities rather than our differences.

However, the Holy sites of Judaism within the borders of Israel be it synagogues, cemeteries, even the tombs of the Patriarchs have seen destruction and desecration under the guise of religious fervor and frustration.

Christian churches around the world likewise are gutted by fire and explosions on a regular basis as they stand as a representation of the conflict with radical Islam.

The sad truth of our world is that many agree until they disagree and then, when they do, destruction seems to be the only action that is taken.

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The First Test

On January 21st U.S. navy vessels intercepted the ship “Iran Hedayt” due to a tip from Israeli intelligence. The report stated there was a shipment of small arms and light rockets headed for Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Further the report specified most of the weapons were hidden in a false bottom of the ship.

The ship was not seized but rather was able to continue to the Suez Canal escorted by Egyptian Navy then exited Egyptian water traveling to the Syrian Port of Latakia under the eyes of Israeli, Russian and U.S. naval vessels.

The combined naval armada did not seize the weapons because they said that international law did not authorize such actions.

What can we learn from this most recent chapter in Middle East history? Very simple Vice President Joseph Biden’s pre-election prophecy was right; our nation has been tested the very first day of the new administration. Not with a terror attack on our soil but definitely Iran has tested not just American policy but international law as well. If this pattern continues, nations such as Iran can promote terror around the world and freedom loving nations are all at risk.

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History Repeats Itself

The nation of Iran is making friendly overtures to America as if the past 30 years of barracks bombings, embassy seizures and proxy wars against coalition forces have just gone away.

Apparently both proxy wars against Israel in Lebanon and Gaza respectfully have distracted the world from Iran’s nuclear program supposedly minimizing or eliminating the threat.

Of course, Saudi Arabia is looking closely at any positive exchanges between our nation and Iran since Iraq is a threat to the Bedouin Kingdom and will affect how the Saudis in turn treat the U.S.

The longer America’s soft approach to negotiation with the rogue nation the more likely Iran can seize control of Iran bringing about a direct confrontation between Iran and Israel which will draw other nations into the frenzy.

How ironic that 70 years after the failed attempts of Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to pacify Adolph Hitler through appeasement, it is being attempted again but expecting different results.

The Scriptures have a multiplicity of warnings from the prophets to kings that make covenants with evil nations only to end in tragedy and disaster. Isaiah 28:15 states, Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.

Oh for our leaders to follow G-d when it comes to making alliances with other nations.

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Cease Fire Agenda

Two things are certain about the cease fire between Israel and Gaza’s Palestinians. First, it is tentative at best and second, the media won’t let the truth out.

One of the biggest issues continually presented was the supposed excessive force used by Israel resulting in large amounts of civilian dead and wounded.

Of course, the same media failed to report that the huge weapons caches were buried under schools and hospitals thus with any direct hit the ensuing explosions would be obviously enormous.

Another factor to consider is that Hamas terrorists had wired houses with explosives that would be set off by Israeli troops and tanks and the detonation of these devices was catastrophic not just to human beings but to physical structures as well.

Finally, prior to the Hamas overthrow of the Abbas government in Gaza the poor peasants stood in line for hours to donate their pauper’s wages to Hamas to aid in the destruction of Israel.

The old cliché says “A picture is worth a thousand words” however, when it comes to Israel it all depends on who is developing the film! Realistically the Hamas attempt to bring Israel into a war brought abut many casualties and peace is definitely not in their agenda.

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It is too Good To Be True?

Friendly overtures are coming from many nations of the world letting our nation know they are ready for dialogue and mending broken relationships. These are nations that we are technically at war with, nations whose hostility has included suicide bomber attacks on our facilities, seizure of our embassies, and the supplying and training of insurgents that battle our troops.

How do we go from burning and marching over our American Flag and chanting “death to America” to the negotiation table overnight?

There are many answers that could be provided ranging from hidden agendas to demanding changes in our nation’s policies. Deeper than that, however, lies the prophetic element that cannot be denied. The world is being brought to the precipice of total destruction riding on the wheels of “peace and prosperity.”

We all desire peace, but how do these changes for peace come so quickly and be real? They don’t.

The prophet wrote of events happening now:

Daniel 8:25 – And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence; And he will magnify himself in his heart, And he will destroy many while they are at ease. He will even oppose the Prince of princes, But he will be broken without human agency. NASB

Truly these events cause us to say, even so come L-rd Jesus!

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