Monthly Archives: April 2009

Moses, the Servant of G-d

The Scholars have gathered once again and are now telling us that Moses the servant of G-d did not die on the mountain but rather was killed by one of the Israelites.

Weighing on the balances of these cynics is the assault on G-d’s character declaring his injustice after all, Moses served G-d so faithfully and all he did was hit a rock.

However, Moses and Aaron’s sin was unbelief. Worse than their countrymen, they did not give G-d the glory and projected unbelief, Numbers 20: 11,12.

G-d’s mercy allowed Moses to view the Promised Land in all four directions; Deut. 34:1-4, but it doesn’t end there. Matthew 17:3 tells us Moses appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Elijah and Jesus. So in his glorified state he was in the Promised Land that , in his earthly body, he could only view.

Further, we are told at the time of Moses’ death his eyes had not failed nor had his strength diminished even though he was 120 years old, Deut 34:7.

I do believe had Moses been killed by a follower, the scriptures would have declared it. This most recent attack on the scriptures’ veracity shows man’s failing.

G-d’s grace cannot be measured by man’s finite thinking and although Moses sinned, G-d still showed his favor, and we need not try to rewrite the scriptures when we don’t comprehend something.

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How Do You Spell Hate? A H M A D…

Several United Nations delegates walked out in protest of the hate filled speech delivered by Iranian strongman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The despot leader railed against Israel and declared it to be “the most cruel and repressive racist regime.”

As the monologue continued Ahmadinejad also lashed out at America for the Invasion of Iraq as a “Zionist conspiracy”.

It is some strange paradox that all of this hate filled activity would come on the eve of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. This hate filled paranoia and conspiracy is exactly what was heard at the start of the 20th Century when Nazi Germany propelled the world into two major wars.

The events leading up to both World Wars were marked by the world’s leaders attempting to placate the evil forces and those same evil forces presenting themselves as the champions of good.

Whether it be Kaiser’s and Hitler’s desire to again raise up a 1000 year Reich or the current poison of Iran’s platform it is still rabid Anti-Semitism that always spills over and pollutes the world. Tragically history is repeating itself again and true to form the attempts to pacify dictators is the plan for avoiding war.

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We Are All Guilty

Every time I watch “The Passion of the Christ” as I did this past Good Friday I can’t help but be struck with such harsh reality. While I do understand all that happened to Jesus was both prophetic and necessary to fulfill G-d’s plan the base nature of man is still almost incomprehensible.

The lies, cheating, fraud, and corruption of the legal system certainly shows just how depraved men can be. How could so much hatred be manifested by those that whipped, beat, mocked and spat upon the Son of G-d?

Was there any difficulty for those that mashed the crown of thorns into His scalp, pounded nails into His extremities or thrust the spear in His side?

Who could stand by and watch the pain, despair, and untold thirst without taking the appropriate measures of relief?

It is so easy for us to watch movies, read books, or listen to messages about all the events of that fateful week and be critical of all involved. But the reality of the crucifixion of Jesus lies in the fact He died for the sins of all mankind past, present, and future because “all have sinned and come short of the glory of G-d” Romans 3:23.

The reality of what Jesus did on the cross lets us all know we have need of Him!

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Give Us Barabbas

Three chilling words ring out ever so loudly during this time of year, so hard to comprehend “Give us Barabbas!”

Mob mentality is truly a dangerous element in the world and with those three words the Son of G-d is condemned to death while the thief and murderer walks free.

In the world arena today the tiny nation of Israel is at the mercy of mob mentality as she is continually attacked by blood-thirsty terrorists with no let up in sight.

Embargos, sanctions, legal actions, and a continual onslaught of United Nations condemnations for her actions flood the desks of diplomats, heads of state and legal committees.

I will be the first to admit that the Jewish State has not been perfect with all she has done but no other nation in the world must stand up to the scrutiny that she faces. By the same token we have watched the nations of Russia, China, Iran, Vietnam, Somalia and a host of others violate human rights at will, export terror, and endanger the world with every type of weapon known to man with little if any significant consequences.

The world was not a better place because of the release of Barabbas, however, in the modern world the nation of Israel has done more to bless the world rather than curse it. Don’t be part of the mob mentality.

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Dreams Do Come True

Annually there are reported sightings of Jesus, Mary and other saints from all over the world and I think it is safe to say most are not what they appear to be. But one three year old daughter went to her parents last week and told them she hadn’t just seen Jesus but had spoken to Him.

In her dialogue she pointed to her head and exclaimed, “Jesus Owee” then pointed to her rib cage and again stated, “Jesus Owee.” As the parents listened their daughter pointed to both her wrists and ankles again declaring, “Jesus Owee.”

As the story unfolded she had stood waving at Jesus then blew Him a kiss and told the Messiah she loved Him. Then she told her parents Jesus had stated to her, “It’s time.” I’m sure the parents’ hearts welled up with hope and expectation at the thought.

Just what do we compare these experiences with, the only way is with the Bible, so we consider the prophet’s words.

“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.” Zechariah 12:10, NASU

Jesus may not visually appear to you but the reality of the resurrection and the hope of His soon return ought to make all of our hearts leap.

If Jesus told the little girl “it’s time” then all I can say is even so L-rd Jesus come!

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Double Standards Divide

It is hard to believe that the courts of both Britain and Spain have had arrest warrants issued for key Israeli military and civilian personnel that committed war crimes against the Palestinians during the Gaza War.

Recently Dr. Uzi Arad, one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s most trusted advisors was denied entry to the U.S. because our nation deemed it an “intelligence risk.”

Arad did admit to sharing intelligence about Iran’s nuclear program to pro Israeli lobbyists, an action that could be debated for years to come. However, the first question we ask is how could Dr. Arad be deemed an “intelligence risk” to our nation when just a few months earlier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was granted the privilege to speak at an American University?

Before warrants are issued for these so called Israeli war criminals; would it matter that al Qaeda operatives were the majority of the fighting force in Gaza not innocent civilians?

As our nation’s leaders at all levels both military and political turned a blind eye to the despot Ahmadinejad and rogue Iran?

We must wonder in these instances sighted and others if it is total ignorance of the truth or rather blatant disregard; either way, it is not good.

While we are blessing Israel with our mouths our thoughts and actions portray us moving farther away.

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It’s Not What You Own It’s What You Have

The ancient empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome left a legacy of rich, powerful nations that collapsed. In more recent times power-house nations such as Britain, France, Spain and Germany have all risen to power then come crashing down.

Now the troubled nations of South Africa is said to be the “Next Zimbabwe” and it nationalizes more and more while embracing more of a communist stance.

Rampant crime, disease, food shortages and civil unrest leaves South Africa, once the gem of African nations, on the verge of total collapse.

How does the nation with a wealth of natural resources and rich with minerals come crashing down? True as the world economy is collapsing and financing is almost impossible to obtain we must remember G-d’s laws.

South Africa is not the only nation that is moving farther away from G-d and once His covering is lifted the results are tragic and there is not enough economic stimulus to bail out any nation.

Solomon said it best regarding the conduct of people and nations, “Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death. The righteousness of the blameless will smooth his way, But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.”

Proverbs 11:4,5 NASB

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All That Glitters is Not Gold

Have you noticed that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are courting Syria, trying to draw them away from their allegiance with Iran?

Of course on paper this is the absolute right thing to do, pull away from the fundamental Islam terrorist nation and align yourself with the more moderate nations.

Personally this troubles me because I believe the long range implications will be devastating for Israel and her security and safety as a sovereign nation.

If Syria does break away from Iran and appear, emphasis on appear to become moderate, then certainly more pressure can be brought to bear on Israel to give up more land specifically to Golan Heights.

The pattern that both the Palestinians and the Arab nations that lost so much territory during theĀ  appear moderate, negotiate and given in “peace” what you lost and could not retrieve in subsequent hostilities.

One cannot help but be distressed to see how many Israeli civilians have been killed or wounded since the inception of the Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinians.

If Syria wants to do right by Israel, then she can stop sponsoring terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, dismantle the 40,000 rockets pointed at Israel, withdraw from Lebanon and then there might be hope. Until then it is nothing more that smoke and mirrors.

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