Tag Archives: Christian

Nothing wrong with the Message

Again I was reading an introduction to a book about Bible prophecy and the same sad message emanated from its pages. It was the old “doom and gloom” scenario and now this book takes a more practical approach to prophetic interpretation of imagery. But what is really wrong with the literal interpretation?

First, we must ask ourselves do we really understand God’s heart when it comes to prophecy. It is God’s stamp of approval on this God breathed book He gave us. What other religious writing was ever so bold to make so many predictions and yet be so accurate?

Second, the concept of literal interpretation is not as much doom and gloom as it is warnings of impending doom and the need for repentance. Noah’s culture was warned for more than a century. Lot’s culture was spared as God searched for just a handful of righteous people and Nineveh saw the greatest single revival ever recorded because they received the words and repented.

Finally, as believers, do we serve a God that just goes soft on Sin? Is it doom and gloom to realize after the age of man coming to a close the Creator of the universe will deal with all of the rebellion and wrong in the world? It is hard for me to picture a just God giving everybody a pass including the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Arafat and bin Laden to name a few. There is not doom and gloom for those anticipating the just and righteous reign of Jesus Christ on earth. We look forward to it, and in reality there is nothing wrong with that message!

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To Pastor Don, Gerri and Congregation,

“Steve and I are so thankful for how God skillfully weaved our family and friends together for the past 26 plus years. Our lives have a rich heritage that we will always be so grateful for. Working and being a participant of God’s work in the wonderful church has both been a blessing and a privilege with no regrets only a Thankful heart with much gratitude to God and those in leadership that entrusted us to many responsibilities. God has been so faithful – we join with the hymn “Great is thy Faithfulness” reminding ourselves and you of God’s consistent love and care for us in days gone by and worshiping him as the bringer of “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow”

May the Lord that we all serve pour out a special blessing to Pastor, Gerri, the rest of the family, the Board, the Elders, the Deacons, and to this great congregation may He pour out His power and grace in a special way.”

With all our Love,

Steve, Lori and Boys

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No Guarantees but God’s Grace

As I write this article there is much thoughts and reflection on my friend Dave who is in the last stage of life barring a miracle. His battle with cancer has been long and hard- fought for several years. Dave is by any standard a young man and we struggle with people in their sixties dying; it just doesn’t seem right.

We ask ourselves how can a loving husband and father, committed church worker and a great employee be taken from family and friends. And certainly of all times of the year, why before Christmas? But God’s plan doesn’t fit into our closely knit and warm concepts of life!

A review of friends of mine that have passed away since July 2007 until now has grown to twelve; the oldest being 62 and the youngest 44. In what should be the prime of life God has seen fit to take them, several in their sleep. It is a ride I would like to get off of.

Paul wrote, “For which cause we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.” II Cor. 4:16. We have no guarantees about tomorrow other than God’s grace. These events in our lives hurt but fret not, all of us are dying outwardly but God is renewing us inwardly where it matters the most and that’s what counts for eternity. Yes, death is always around us but life in Christ is within us regardless of circumstances.

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Do You Want Change?




There are many controversial topics in theology but the debate over dispensations is a common and long term topic in Christian circles. The concept is that God has dealt with mankind from the Age of Innocence to the current Age of Grace. Not that God has changed but rather He has dealt with man according to the dynamics of environment, culture, etc.


To watch God’s plan for man run its course we realize that the Creator has not changed His standards but has used different instruments like Prophets, Priests, Judges, and Apostles to name a few. Thankfully He remains unchanged. However, there is a sad element of dispensation belief that is confusing to me. Every generation we hear the cry for a fresh move of God to come to the church. However, when the new, fresh movement comes the ones crying out for change are the ones that are the most resistant.


Change is usually what is needed and wanted but so many dispensationalists embrace the idea until that wave comes and they are found running to high ground. Church history has proven even in the time where freshness is needed the most it is resisted the most. Most of us do not like change.


It is safe to say God is doing some new and fresh thing, but what He does always upsets the applecart of tradition. The revival of Ezra and Nehemiah was not like that found in the book of Acts and that was not like Azusa Street, Charismatic Renewal or the other fresh moves designed by God. Do you want change? Be careful, when it comes to God His new is not remanufactured, it is brand new!

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It’s ok to die

There are some passages in the Bible that just don’t seem to bring much comfort at first. And yet reality seems to call us back to these passages when events in life beset us. So when these events come across your path this scripture is a powerful promise.

Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain” John 12:24 NKJ. When He made that statement I doubt His followers truly understood those words at first but many would before their lives were over.

The principle the Master outlined for us covers losing that dream job, a relationship, the collapse of a business or that personal goal never attained. But everything Jesus expects of His disciples is always contrary to human thought and definitely not how we would chart the course of our lives.

To be great be the least, to go up go down, and then to be fruitful you must die. Is it a paradox or oxymoron? No, rather it is the sovereignty of God guiding us where we must trust Him even when we don’t want to go there. Death is what brings life when we put our trust in the one that set the example.

It is ok to die; Jesus showed us the reality and the fruit that can come from those experiences. He is telling us that it is ok to die, it will work out!

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Pardesi Jana Nahi

The culture and people of India are unique an intriguing, a nation of beauty, mystery and poverty. Yet even in the midst of continual problems it is a culture given to hospitality and friendship, a nation I hopefully will have the opportunity to visit one day.

Those that travel to India are told once you have been there a part of you stays there until the next visit. The phrase “Pardesi Jana Nahi” means foreigner, don’t go. There is a bond they believe to both the land and people. Many stories have been recorded of missionaries being buried in the land they so faithfully served. Whether natural causes or martyrdom the foreigners literally became part of the land after making the spiritual investment. For anyone that has done either a long or short term missions trip the common thread is they feel like they left part of themselves there in the land.

Regardless of what dialect Pardesi Jana Nahi comes from the concept of “foreigner, don’t go” is echoed across the world. So in the end what is goal, for all of us to become missionaries? Not hardly, it is definitely not for everybody, but you can become invested whether to journey to the land or not.

Our missionaries need to be bathed in prayer and they need our financial support. These are two things they need on a continual basis wherever they might minister. Make these investments and make a missionary trip if you can and the more you become involved the more you will understand what they mean when they say “foreigner, don’t go!”

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Reform is headed in the wrong direction:

Much time has been given in these articles the past several months about the sweeping reforms going on in the Arab world. Much of that “reform” is reported to be happening on the African continent with Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Algiers.

Interestingly, I found a book detailing a two-week conference held in Tripoli, Libya October 1995 with Muammar Gaddafi hosting some 80 nations. During this conference the Muslim leaders were strategizing how to make the continent of Africa Muslim with Arabic being the only language. One leader stated it would probably be the biggest revolution to sweep Africa.

At the time of this conference 17 of 55 African countries were officially Muslim and certainly that number has increased in the past 16 years. The word reform is dangerous to use when the true reality is not seen. The euphoric notion that the current reform in Africa will bring democracy to this part of the world is delusional at best.

This sweep of Islam seizing more and more control of Africa truly shows the reality of how the decreasing influence of Christianity is making this possible. With the decline of missionary support in these nations coupled with the Islamic agenda, how can we expect things to change? It matters now whether or not Mubarak is out or if Gaddafi is dead the ideology of the Islamic revolution lives on. Of even greater significance is the reality that the Islamic tidal wave of ideology sweeping over both Europe and Africa shows us the true need for the church to arise and prioritize teaching people to observe all things Jesus taught in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” If not, there is not much hope for this world otherwise.

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Thank You

There will be no writing on prophecy, current events or doctrinal issues as it is Pastor Appreciation Day. During the course of the year you pray for sick people, sit with those that are grieving after a loss, or are experiencing that transition that will eventually lead to death.

There are countless times of people in need of counsel, prayer, even just some advice on what commentary is best or which translation of the Bible should be purchased. And there will be countless meals shared with those of you in the congregation of which many ate too much.

However, this is not to imply the privilege of being part of the Pastoral staff is mundane or repetitious, in fact, just the opposite is true. Life just seems to have so many variables and so it becomes rather a positive challenge that requires constant adjustment.

Lori and I would like to take this time to thank all of you that have received our ministry and allowed us to share in both the good and bad that is scriptural. Without the leadership deeming us worthy of this position this couldn’t happen. So to all of you in the PCA family were it not for you, the flock, there would be no need for the Pastors.

So, what else can be said but thank you to Pastor Don, the trustees, elders and you, we are honored to be able to serve!

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Pray For Yusef

On October 12, 1915 Edith Cavell 49 was executed by a German firing squad for helping British and French prisoners of war escape Belgium. When the Germans captured the city Cavell was founding tending both Belgium and German soldiers that had been injured. After admitting to the charges she was sentenced to die. Efforts by neutral Spain and the United States to commute the sentence were ignored. A statue is in London’s St. Martins Place just off of Trafalgar Square in London.

One could say assisting P.O.W.’s could be considered a crime but to tend to wounded troops of both sides was a true humanitarian effort. Cavell’s acts can be seen as political, humanitarian even practical. But what of Pastor Yusef being held in the Iranian prison?

His crime against the “State” was to convert from Islam to Christianity. Now like Cavell Iran is ignoring the pleas to have him released. Sadly it appears even our State Department wont’ step forward to assist this beleaguered man. In fact, just a few years ago a father and son were set to be executed Christmas day on international television again for converting from Islam to Christianity. In that case the Saudi government responded and their lives were spared.

Will Iran execute this man? Hopefully not but the fact he is in prison for such an issue is truly unbelievable. Even sadder is the fact that the extreme religions of both Saudi Arabia and Iran are reported to be loving and tolerant. Should Yusef be executed he will earn the martyr’s crown and the silence of so many says much about the indifferences to the persecution Christians are experiencing in many Muslim Nations.

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Too Many Variables

Do you remember the quote of a Presidential campaign, “It’s the economy, stupid?” It seemed such a paradox when our American culture is supposed to be politically correct, but no doubt, the economy is a definite national issue. But, what are the economic realities of a nation finger pointing and accusing and no one accepting accountability. Is there any reality to our nation’s moral demise?

Most seem to forget that the estimated financial losses of 9-11 are set at 600 billion and whole industries such as airlines companies, travel agencies and insurance companies teetered on collapse. Sadly, however, the financial terrorists of finance brought multiple corporations to their knees due to corruption and greed that went unchecked. What al Qaida started some of corporate America took even further and brought still more financial devastation to our nation.

The scriptures are full of verses that describe what attributes leaders should display and fiscal responsibilities clearly defined. Greed and corruption however are part of man’s nature and there are many that seek America’s total destruction such as terrorists both financial and militant.

What most people in our nation fail to see aside from the two devastating trends of the past decade is our nation turning its back on God. The further we sink into this moral decay the worse it gets economically, and as long as we push God out of all we do and are seeking to satisfy carnal pleasures and there is no reason to expect this trend to change. If blaming work, more handouts helped that would be fine, and if increasing debt would help, that would be wonderful. But sin is the issue and until we repent, forget God blessing our nation.

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