Monthly Archives: November 2010

Have you considered Job?

Have you considered Job, his trials and his eventual restoration which was according to the scripture a very substantial amount? In reality, God did not bless Job just because of what he endured but rather because of the condition of his heart after those trials. In fact, it wasn’t until Job actually realized who God was and also Job wasn’t in the scheme that it began to change.

Job’s words say it all, “I have heard of YOU by the hearing of the ear. But now my eyes see you. Therefore I abhor myself and repent in ashes.” Job 42:5, 6 N.K.V.

There’s a lot of teaching in the church today that runs completely opposite of Job’s words but Job here is speaking the truth, because coming to this point is where God will bless you.

Joshua’s collapse after Ai brought him to his knees. Isaiah was overwhelmed by God’s presence in a most startling way. While there are a host of others that came to the same point in their experience with God, the truth is we must come to realize who we are not. God does not want us to walk around feeling inferior and not realizing who we are in Christ but He does want us to know Him in a more intimate way as Job learned to do.

When we can come to the point of repenting of our exalted ideas of ourselves and learn of Him, there is nothing God can or won’t do in our lives! There are no easy, elegant answers to the trials and tests that come into our lives but Job had learned the key a long time ago and it still works; repent and know God in a newer way, He will take care of the rest.

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Is This a Fair Comparison?

The nation of Indonesia has seen its share of Tsunamis, earthquakes and floods and with those tragedies the loss of life and property. Thankfully, relief organizations from around the world have rushed to the aid of the beleaguered nation providing both personnel and resources. Indonesia’s government and its people received all that was given to them eagerly and the smile on their faces lets us see what a kind gesture can do.

In light of Indonesia’s record on persecution of Christians and its suppression of human rights should this help be given? I emphatically say yes. The policies of that government are not inclusive of all that live there, in fact, the persecution of Indonesian nationals is certainly an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed.

However, knowing the Indonesian history it seems ironic that with all of the need represented these past several years they have adamantly refused help of any kind from the nation of Israel. It was against this backdrop that cries came last week from Indonesia demanding Israel to stop building their settlements in occupied areas as it was a violation of human rights.

How do we compare building areas providing housing to a nation whose population is being uprooted and displaced which is happening to the Israelis with each war and tract of land given up in the name of peace, to organized terror groups? If the world has misgivings about Israel’s national policy, they might want to find a better example of human rights than that of Indonesia.

Modern history sadly has been defined by Israel’s critics comparing the Jewish State against a backdrop of so many nations that are very poor examples of moral conduct so how can the truth be told?

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A Word Spoken in Season

When people talk about the book of Job it almost always starts with the question why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? From there is sovereignty of God is debated, how much power Satan has, did Job mess things up with his confession and of course Job’s three friends “the comforters.”

However, with all the conversation in Job both monologue and dialogue how much discussion comes about the rebuke God gave those three comforters? Did these three men have a lapse into the carnal state of mind or were they just self righteous lacking mercy, or was it both?

Before we hear of God’s multiple blessings being showered on Job two things had to happen, first, the Lord rebukes them for not speaking of Him (God) in the right way and He demanded sacrifice and repentance. Job 42:7,8

However, in the same passage the Heavenly Father stated that Job had spoken of God which was right, Job is commended, the comforters rebuked. In fact, in verse 9 of the same chapter Job prayers for his friends and then the blessing of God is poured out on the one beleaguered Patriarch. Job’s comforters missed a golden opportunity to speak that word in season that should bring life. Sadly, their own agendas got in the way and God had to intervene.

When we encounter those in need we bring life or death with our words and if we can’t speak the word of the Lord as directed by Him, we shouldn’t speak at all. A word in Season is something we all need at one time or another and what we should speak to others. That is God’s plan!

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Two Nation Pollution not Solution

If you travel to Israel, there is a unique experience of visiting sites that are revered by many of the world’s religions. The Temple Mount has the Western Wall revered by Jews and many Christians find themselves praying there as well. That same Temple Mount is home to both the Mosque of Omar and the Al-Aqsa Mosque that has great significance to Moslems around the world and the site of David’s Tomb is a special place, again, for both Jew and Christian. With this in mind, when Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs was declared to be an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories, what type of message was sent to the world?

Obviously the concept of the Jewish State living side by side with a Palestinian State is nothing more than lip service. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, went as far as warning Israel, “any unilateral action by the Israel authorities is to be considered a violation of International Law, the UNESCO and the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution.” The essence of that brazen threat truly becomes absurd given Israel’s track record of allowing all religious Pilgrims to worship accordingly; so, why the threats?

These two sites hold great significance to Jew, Christian and Moslem and with that should be treated as such. However, “occupied Palestine” is controlled by terrorists and for governing bodies to make such a declaration lets us know peace is very far away and a two-nation solution, for now, is unattainable.

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He Never Changes

I was reflecting back on the historical accounts of the period of time transitioning from the end of the 19th to the 20th Century. There was the end of the century craze that seems to repeat itself as people looked forward to a new era of peace and prosperity after so much turbulence during the preceding century.

Also the era was marked by a surge of transitional thought where rational became the focus of many people and to many God was either completely irrelevant or at least only watching from a distance but uninvolved.

If that sounded like what we saw as the 20th Century came to a close and the 21st began, it is because history has a way of repeating itself and the base dynamics of man remain basically the same. But with all of that repetitive history and man’s basic behavior changing back and forth there was and is God.

Malachi 3:8 tells us our Lord God never changes and that is reiterated again in Hebrews 13:6 – Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. If we look at life in that light, then the confusion, uncertainty, even extreme changes in our world, we have hope and something to hold on to!

During these times a division always seems to find its way into the church as many become disheartened while others believe in God regardless. God’s character, attributes and faithfulness have never failed us yet and won’t in the future so rest in this, our God is still who He is and does what He did, that never changes.

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Losing the Identity

When the 1967 Six Day War came to an end the Moslems, despite losing control of Jerusalem, were allowed to keep the Temple Mount with its two Mosques and to continue to worship without any restriction from the Israeli government. Israel on the other hand had the monumental task of repairing what was left of some 53 synagogues and cemeteries destroyed by the previous occupiers.

The same could be said of the many Christian sites that had fallen into disrepair and suffered from years of neglect. While many still complain, even lament about the “occupied territories”, Israeli control has never been a deterrent to any person of any faith to worship in their revered sites or to visit others.

So, when the information about the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Rachel’s Tomb being declared to be Mosques by an International board it really sent a harsh message. The two sites spoken of have deep significance to the three main religions of the region and as such a declaration is hard to comprehend by both Jews and Christians.

Since this occupation comes under the blanket of the autonomous Palestinian area and the two-state coexistence is based on mutual respect and cooperation one must ask, what happened? When these types of events are allowed to go unchallenged the once open nation of Israel starts to take on a whole new complexion, one exclusive of Jews and Christians, and in the long run, a loss of identity for Israel and the world.

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When It’s all said and done

Currently I am watching the series “The NFL’s 100 Greatest Players,” and it is one, to say the least, that is full of controversy as most people disagree with the placement of many of the players. However, if you watch the series you would note the multiple similarities and differences that mark every one of these gridiron greats.

Some had long careers, some were cut short by injury, many had multiple championships, some only one, sadly many had none. You could see some that stayed with one team for their entire career while some were journeymen that played for multiple teams. Despite all of the differences, however, there seemed to be a common denominator linking these men and that was their passion to play the game of football. In that passion there was a consistency with most of those top 100 that should inspire others to follow them.

I lost track of how many of these players made it into the Hall of Fame but of each one that did it was said they are enshrined eternally. Whether it is movies, music, sports or entertainment the reality is that as much as we love the mystique of these personalities their works are short-lived in light of eternity.

Every one of us will stand before our maker to give an account of our deeds and it will be considered hay, wood and stubble, or precious metals and valuable gems. Worldly accomplishments are nice but really, when it is all said and done, it is hearing well done thou good and faithful servant; anything else just won’t matter. Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

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Know the Truth and do the Right Thing

The events that led up to the most recent of mid-term elections has proven to be the most mean-spirited smear campaign in history. Interestingly, the report now is that television stations had a financial boom where billions of dollars have been funneled through the networks letting you know just how bad one choice is and just how much better is their candidate.

When it comes to nations there probably is no other nation that gets its reputation smeared more than the nation of Israel. As the dust is settling on the American political scene and people are both rejoicing and lamenting over the success and failure of candidates and parties there is still the reality of the Middle East crisis.

With all the propaganda that is leveled against Israel coupled with both misinformation and disinformation each one of us will have to make the decision on where to stand. True, we should support Israel if we are Christians as it is defined throughout the Scriptures, even as Americans that love democracy. However, if you listen to the smear campaigns regarding Israel without researching the truth, it will work, and you won’t know the truth and will be lead in the wrong direction.

Although not without mistakes, it must be remembered the unbearable position she has been placed in and the inaccuracy describing the controversial scenarios. It has been said that most people do not take time to research the truth, they are inclined to believe the first thing they hear. When it comes to the anti Israel smear campaign take the time to find the truth so you can do the right thing.

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