Tag Archives: Britain

Whose Plan?

The Royal Saudi family made it clear that their intentions were to assume control of the world.

In 1974 Just months after Israel’s hard fought war with Egypt and Syria the desert monarchs stated they wanted to see a one world currency based on the Arab petrol dollar. Without a doubt we have seen that reality coming to pass according to their desire but also according to the scriptures.

Second, the Royal family stated if they could control England, they could control the world and thirty-five years later the truth is England is in the grasp of Islamic control.

As we speak Britain’s culture has changed in a most dramatic way and the Judeo-Christian values and system of government are being obscured even eliminated by Shariah law.

While the Saudi royal family night think things are falling into place for their agenda they are actually coming together according to G-d’s word.

England was the home of Bunyan, the Wesley’s and Spurgeon but that gave way to the Beatles, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. America always follows Britain when it comes to clothes, music and other cultural aspects and if the future is like the past, we are already doing the same

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It’s Not What You Own It’s What You Have

The ancient empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome left a legacy of rich, powerful nations that collapsed. In more recent times power-house nations such as Britain, France, Spain and Germany have all risen to power then come crashing down.

Now the troubled nations of South Africa is said to be the “Next Zimbabwe” and it nationalizes more and more while embracing more of a communist stance.

Rampant crime, disease, food shortages and civil unrest leaves South Africa, once the gem of African nations, on the verge of total collapse.

How does the nation with a wealth of natural resources and rich with minerals come crashing down? True as the world economy is collapsing and financing is almost impossible to obtain we must remember G-d’s laws.

South Africa is not the only nation that is moving farther away from G-d and once His covering is lifted the results are tragic and there is not enough economic stimulus to bail out any nation.

Solomon said it best regarding the conduct of people and nations, “Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death. The righteousness of the blameless will smooth his way, But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.”

Proverbs 11:4,5 NASB

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What Should We Fear?

We expect terrorist attacks in Beirut, Baghdad or Jerusalem because after all it is a way of life, at least that’s what some people say. However, terrorist attacks have occurred in Bali, Buenos Aires, Britain, and even in the Big Apple our own New York City.

The ancient Chinese proverb says if you kill one, you cause ten thousand to fear and that is one goal of the terrorist. Also on their agenda is to take that fear and master control of the entire population of countries such as Afghanistan and Lebanon.

The zeal of fundamental forms of Islam feels the need to purify these nations and rid them of corruption and decadence.

The holiday season annually shows more and more push in our own nation to be politically correct and sensitive which in reality throwing off all restraints setting us up for “the kill”.

Fundamental Islam deplores the sin, debauchery, decadence and excesses and has no room for it in the nations they control with punitive measures being directed without hesitation even unto death.

So, as the talk show hosts, media moguls, and politicians seek to silence fundamental Christianity remember this: America used to be a nation that allowed freedom of religion. Many are trying to change that but travel to Damascus, Tehran, Mecca or other Islamic controlled nations and try to find a church or a Christian bookstore.

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