Daily Archives: February 22, 2009

It Hasn’t Gotten Better

The month of February marks the 35th Anniversary of the cult classic “Blazing Saddles” as well as the sequels “Godfather Part Two” and “Death Wish II.”

As a lead in to one of the movies the cable station states, “In 1974 America was in decline and nothing was sacred not even westerns.”

So with the ensuing thirty-five years one would have to state that scenario has not changed for the better.

Certainly traditional marriage is degraded and maligned whether through sitcoms or movies and dysfunctional seems to be the norm.

When it comes to violence genres such as Death Wish and The Godfather were considered to be the very edge of violence but where have we gone from there? If the violence of Hollywood and videos weren’t enough consider the landmark 1974 Roe vs Wade decision resulting in the death of far too many.

Disrespect is manifested toward religious and political leaders as they are lampooned on a regular basis without hesitation.

If 1974 saw America in decline, we must now look at 2009 and see just how much more we have declined as a nation and how many things are not sacred!

Solomon wrote, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” Proverbs 14:34 NASB, and our nation is moving farther from the truth.

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