Double Standards Divide

It is hard to believe that the courts of both Britain and Spain have had arrest warrants issued for key Israeli military and civilian personnel that committed war crimes against the Palestinians during the Gaza War.

Recently Dr. Uzi Arad, one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s most trusted advisors was denied entry to the U.S. because our nation deemed it an “intelligence risk.”

Arad did admit to sharing intelligence about Iran’s nuclear program to pro Israeli lobbyists, an action that could be debated for years to come. However, the first question we ask is how could Dr. Arad be deemed an “intelligence risk” to our nation when just a few months earlier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was granted the privilege to speak at an American University?

Before warrants are issued for these so called Israeli war criminals; would it matter that al Qaeda operatives were the majority of the fighting force in Gaza not innocent civilians?

As our nation’s leaders at all levels both military and political turned a blind eye to the despot Ahmadinejad and rogue Iran?

We must wonder in these instances sighted and others if it is total ignorance of the truth or rather blatant disregard; either way, it is not good.

While we are blessing Israel with our mouths our thoughts and actions portray us moving farther away.

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