Daily Archives: February 28, 2010

Fruit in Adversity

Dictators have dominated history’s landscape almost from the beginning of time, and regardless of geography or time frame brutal domination spills over not just on those in the immediate area but is usually far reaching.

For instance the Roman dynasty covered an area from Western Europe to Asia and those under the Roman yoke knew full well the harsh realities of the Caesar’s rule.

In more recent times the Axis powers of World War II Japan, Italy and Germany had a death grip that reached almost around the globe. Sadly, Communism stepped into the void and again a large portion of the world was subdued under the hammer and sickle and Red Star of China.

With Communism waiting in respite we have seen the extremes from Saddam Hussein all the way to Slobodan Milosevic and the brutality of the Sudan play out before our eyes. Currently there are still many people living under some type of dictatorship and the cruelty and oppression seems to be unending.

However, from the Caesars to the modern despot the worst of conditions have a positive by product and that is the growth of the church. Jesus told us “the gates of Hades will not overpower it (the church),” Matthew 18:18 NASB

True it is hard to see beyond the harsh circumstances but God’s word is true, the remnant has remained true and the church, despite wars persecution and dictators, continues to thrive under adversity, and we must purpose to do the same. God still is in charge!

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