It Will Happen

There is a new insurance commercial being played on TV that portrays a very serene scenario. It shows fury little creatures coasting in the river on the back of a crocodile, one of nature’s most vicious predators. Even more unique are the lions seen frolicking with zebras and leopards ever so playful with the ostrich. The concept is feeling safe because of good insurance coverage.

Most would look at the commercial and muse at the possibility, some would sneer with pessimism while other would still long for a world that could be at such rest. The reality is not to be mused or sneered at but it certainly brings hope to those who trust in the Messiahship of Jesus when He comes to rule and reign on the earth.

God’s word is full of scriptures defining a time of not just peace but a time where people won’t even learn of war, as well as a time where even the animal kingdom will cease from its turmoil.

The insurance commercial might not have meant to promote a biblical concept such as the millennium but the reality is undeniable! Wars, rumors of wars, oil spills, famine, pestilence, and every type of natural disaster, corrupt leaders and terrorists all must submit to the righteous reign of Jesus in the millennium. Rest assured in spite of all that is going on.  He will come and only He will reign. Rejoice my friends, it will happen.

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