Tag Archives: two-nation solution

The Best and the Worst of Times

The information keeps pouring in of thriving business ventures in Israel along with expanding economy and vigorous investments being made. Now Israel has climbed to the number four on the list of exporting nations in the world up from the sixth spot just a few years ago. This is all happening under the pressure of nations and organizations organizing boycotts and implementing divesting of holdings in the Jewish State.

Now we must make mention of the pressure of what is called the two-nation solution that has done nothing but strengthen terrorism allowing an infrastructure bent on destruction. The guise of peaceful coexistence with this plan has only brought about multiple violations of not just the original but subsequent Peace Accords signed by the Palestinians.

If you tally not just the death toll, but the damage to vehicles, buildings and the need for long term healthcare for the injured, who knows how many good things could have been accomplished?

The British and the Irish, North and South Korea, the Indian-Pakistan conflict are but a few examples of two-nation solutions that have accomplished little, and Israel fares much worse due to the proximity of her neighboring nations.

To see Israel today is to see the best and the worst of times but how exciting to see God blessing in spite of the opposition and even better He’s not done yet.

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Two Nation Pollution not Solution

If you travel to Israel, there is a unique experience of visiting sites that are revered by many of the world’s religions. The Temple Mount has the Western Wall revered by Jews and many Christians find themselves praying there as well. That same Temple Mount is home to both the Mosque of Omar and the Al-Aqsa Mosque that has great significance to Moslems around the world and the site of David’s Tomb is a special place, again, for both Jew and Christian. With this in mind, when Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs was declared to be an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories, what type of message was sent to the world?

Obviously the concept of the Jewish State living side by side with a Palestinian State is nothing more than lip service. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, went as far as warning Israel, “any unilateral action by the Israel authorities is to be considered a violation of International Law, the UNESCO and the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution.” The essence of that brazen threat truly becomes absurd given Israel’s track record of allowing all religious Pilgrims to worship accordingly; so, why the threats?

These two sites hold great significance to Jew, Christian and Moslem and with that should be treated as such. However, “occupied Palestine” is controlled by terrorists and for governing bodies to make such a declaration lets us know peace is very far away and a two-nation solution, for now, is unattainable.

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