Sure It Matters

Does the teaching of prophecy really matter even as we watch the panorama unfolding in front of us? The answer is yes, it does matter because it is not just confirmation of God’s word but it should be the catalyst to motivate our personal lives and activities.

First, if I believe Jesus is coming again, it should motivate me to make sure the Gospel gets out to as many as possible, that is the Great Commission!

Second, if I believe that Jesus is ready to knock on the door, it should put the accumulation of material things into perspective. If it is hay, wood, and stubble, it is going to burn. I want what is eternal!

Finally, knowing Jesus will return soon, there should come a purifying affect in our lives because I want to stand clear before my Lord and if His return is close, I need to be ready regardless.

We can impress with charts, statistics and the presentation of the compilation of all that information. We can also monitor the internet, periodicals, and TV and radio programs to stay up on all of the fast paced changes in the world. However, if prophecy doesn’t motivate us to spread the Gospel, put accumulation in perspective, and live like Jesus is coming back soon, then it doesn’t matter how much we know, it hasn’t changed our lives.

If the return of Jesus hasn’t moved you to the changes you need to make, let it happen today because He is coming soon and it does matter!

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