Don’t Get Too Comfortable

There was great rejoicing and celebration when news of Osama bin Laden’s death was announced here in America. Horns were blowing, flag waiving, cheering and there was even dancing in the street because the threat was longer an issue.

Russia threw off the yoke of the Czars and eventually got communist rule just as the Germans replaced the Kaisers with Adolph Hitler. The Shah of Iran had to go and in his place came the Ayatollah.

What we saw in American euphoria was a total lack of understanding the infrastructure of any terrorist organization, al Qaeda included.

A quick fix, placebo, a bandage on a severed artery are appropriate metaphors and bin Laden’s death probably soothed some angry people but now what? If the elimination of terrorist leaders solved the problem, then Israel would be at peace and living within safe borders.

We remember the prophet’s words “Woe to you who are at ease in Zion, and trust in the Mount Samaria, Notable persons in the chief nation.” Amos 6:1a N.K.J.

Being comfortable because of the demise of Osama bin Laden is not what we can afford because the threat is still there.

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