“One More Coin”

The gold Dinar was once the most commonly used coin in the Moslem world until 1924 when the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Until recently the gold Dinar has been obscure until a Muslim group in Malaysia has started to mint the coin again and other Moslems are expressing interest in doing the same.

During the 1970’s the Saudi royal family expressed the desire to create a one-world economic system based on the Arab petrol dollar. At first it was the Euro that connected the petrol dollar to Europe’s industrial complex, but the Dinar in mass production could alter the financial system even more.

The desire of world conquest by extreme Moslem elements, their call for nations to stop using the U.S. dollar and the price of oil all show immense economic pressure that can be brought to bear on America.

It’s not just one more coin; the revival of the Dinar is but one more piece of the puzzle that is coming together very quickly.

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