Nothing wrong with the Message

Again I was reading an introduction to a book about Bible prophecy and the same sad message emanated from its pages. It was the old “doom and gloom” scenario and now this book takes a more practical approach to prophetic interpretation of imagery. But what is really wrong with the literal interpretation?

First, we must ask ourselves do we really understand God’s heart when it comes to prophecy. It is God’s stamp of approval on this God breathed book He gave us. What other religious writing was ever so bold to make so many predictions and yet be so accurate?

Second, the concept of literal interpretation is not as much doom and gloom as it is warnings of impending doom and the need for repentance. Noah’s culture was warned for more than a century. Lot’s culture was spared as God searched for just a handful of righteous people and Nineveh saw the greatest single revival ever recorded because they received the words and repented.

Finally, as believers, do we serve a God that just goes soft on Sin? Is it doom and gloom to realize after the age of man coming to a close the Creator of the universe will deal with all of the rebellion and wrong in the world? It is hard for me to picture a just God giving everybody a pass including the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Arafat and bin Laden to name a few. There is not doom and gloom for those anticipating the just and righteous reign of Jesus Christ on earth. We look forward to it, and in reality there is nothing wrong with that message!

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