Tag Archives: architect of the Munich Massacre

Have we learned from history?

In September of 1972 the world was shocked when eleven Israeli athletes were murdered during the Olympic Games in Munich. It is no exaggeration when Israelis say everybody in the country was connected personally to the victims of this heinous act.

This operation not only violated the sovereign nations of Germany and Israel but it defined the most brazen of attitudes and showed the world in a graphic way just how vulnerable noncombatants are to terrorist attacks.

If you compare the population of Israel during this time and the losses at Munich and compare the U.S. population during 9-11 and our losses incurred per capita the national psyche of both nations were indeed staggering.

As the United Nations is ready to vote on the approval of a sovereign Palestinian Nation it should be remembered that Mahmoud Abbas, architect of the Munich Massacre, wants to be the head of this new nation. How many people would have been outraged at the prospect of Osama bin Laden heading up a nation but the world is clamoring for a Palestinian nation headed up by Abbas or a Hamas member so the question is what have we learned from history?

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