Tag Archives: Medo-Persia

It’s Not What You Own It’s What You Have

The ancient empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome left a legacy of rich, powerful nations that collapsed. In more recent times power-house nations such as Britain, France, Spain and Germany have all risen to power then come crashing down.

Now the troubled nations of South Africa is said to be the “Next Zimbabwe” and it nationalizes more and more while embracing more of a communist stance.

Rampant crime, disease, food shortages and civil unrest leaves South Africa, once the gem of African nations, on the verge of total collapse.

How does the nation with a wealth of natural resources and rich with minerals come crashing down? True as the world economy is collapsing and financing is almost impossible to obtain we must remember G-d’s laws.

South Africa is not the only nation that is moving farther away from G-d and once His covering is lifted the results are tragic and there is not enough economic stimulus to bail out any nation.

Solomon said it best regarding the conduct of people and nations, “Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death. The righteousness of the blameless will smooth his way, But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.”

Proverbs 11:4,5 NASB

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