Tag Archives: Invasion of Iraq

How Do You Spell Hate? A H M A D…

Several United Nations delegates walked out in protest of the hate filled speech delivered by Iranian strongman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The despot leader railed against Israel and declared it to be “the most cruel and repressive racist regime.”

As the monologue continued Ahmadinejad also lashed out at America for the Invasion of Iraq as a “Zionist conspiracy”.

It is some strange paradox that all of this hate filled activity would come on the eve of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. This hate filled paranoia and conspiracy is exactly what was heard at the start of the 20th Century when Nazi Germany propelled the world into two major wars.

The events leading up to both World Wars were marked by the world’s leaders attempting to placate the evil forces and those same evil forces presenting themselves as the champions of good.

Whether it be Kaiser’s and Hitler’s desire to again raise up a 1000 year Reich or the current poison of Iran’s platform it is still rabid Anti-Semitism that always spills over and pollutes the world. Tragically history is repeating itself again and true to form the attempts to pacify dictators is the plan for avoiding war.

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