Tag Archives: sixteen sunrises

What A View

As the international Space Station orbits high above the earth, its crew experiences something we the earthbound cannot. Every day the crew of this space vehicle gets the chance to see sixteen sunrises in all of the splendor and glory. The rays of sunlight piercing the darkness, the clouds blending into the view and the shimmering bodies of water all come alive during this brief but spectacular experience.

Should the crew choose to photograph the awe inspiring view they have but just a few minutes to do so as the orbit of the earth coupled with the speed of travel of the spaceship makes these panoramas short as the next one is literally just over the horizon.

Knowing that, do you wonder if Jesus will come back in the morning, afternoon or night? It is a realistic question. This moment we long and wait for but the possibilities are endless, Phoenix, New York, London, to Moscow, New Delhi, instantaneous and yet universal!

After watching the power point presentation about this phenomenon, I couldn’t help but reflect on a Bible passage I heard and read all my life, Matthew 24:27 – “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

Many people did see Him the first time but the second time all will see and then things will be made right, this is our hope and our joy.

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