Peace in our time?

The bumper sticker declares, “War is not the answer,” and 6000 years of man’s history proves the statement relevant. Yet at the same time can man’s 6000 year resume really define peace as being the answer?

I am not saying war is hands down the answer but the fruit of peace never seems to last and war cannot help but follow. The peace in the post World War I era gave rise to a new Russia, Japan, Germany and the likes of Mussolini, Hitler, and Ho Chi Minh.

After the close of World War II we saw the Cold War, the attempt of stabilizing peace between Moslems and Hindus creating Pakistan and India and still no resolution to the Balkan issue after both World Wars.

As history continued to unfold to the modern day we see the Balkan conflict has not bee resolved and the peace between Ireland and England again is tenuous at best.

After all this unresolved conflict we now watch the situation in Israel and realize just how utterly useless peace has been. War happens because of the content of men’s hearts, but peace cannot work when men do not honor the agreements and their intentions are not noble. The only hope we can hold on to is the time when Jesus returns to reign. Until then we will see the continual cycle of war and peace with no resolution.

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