Tag Archives: Christian

Be Sure What You Worship

The small town of Champion, Wisconsin is expecting up to 500 visitors to a shrine where people say there is change and opportunity. According to local priests there have been certified apparitions and the news is spreading rapidly. In fact, visitor volume has increased to the point a home nearby is being refurbished to keep the priests close by.

The first appearance of the virgin Mary was said to have been seen in 1859 by Belgian immigrant Adele Brise on three different occasions. The crypt of Brise marks the place where the events occurred. Attendance to the shrine continues to grow at a steady rate.

When these types of things occur there are several things we need to consider in our evaluation of such events. First it shows us that man seeks for something to worship, it is human nature. We have found proof of that around the world since the creation of man.

Second, there is only one way to compare what people consider biblical experiences and that is with the Bible. There have always been manifestations of both good and evil and knowing the difference is the key as Paul stated, ..“Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” 2 Cor. 11:14

Finally the fact that God and Satan are both working simultaneously is proof of the last days as Jesus warned us of these times in Matthew 24 to beware of false prophets, teachers, and messiahs coming in His name and doing miracles.

If there was ever a time to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves it is now. Man was created with a void in his life that only God can fill. Jesus was right when He said it was time for true worship to be in the hearts of believers and now more than ever we need to worship; we just need to know the difference.

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After 9-11

The tenth anniversary of September 11th has come and gone and there has been so much to reflect upon not just from that time in history but also speculation on the future.

After Pearl Harbor the nation united under one banner, win at all cost, and Americans sacrificed gasoline, women donated stocking and accepted rationing as a way of life. Sixty years later the resolve to win at all costs has gotten lost in political passion, financial concerns and sadly a feeling of ease forgetting the war is not over.

As a nation, as a Christian, even as a church what have we actually learned from September 11 and the ensuing decade? As a nation we have beefed up security and have color coded alerts but in practical matters have we fallen short? We as a nation must realize with each IED explosion in Afghanistan or Iraq, and with each terror alert in Israel or abroad the war on terror is far from over. If we worry about the inevitable attack only coming on the anniversary of the attack but no other time, then we really do not grasp what the war on terror is really all about. We see a practical New Testament application of post 9-11 America when James said that people who look into a mirror see the reflection but when they go away they forget what they look like or what kind of man they actually are.

James 1:22-24  But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.  For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:  For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

As Americans we all need to go back and look in the mirror and reevaluate ourselves because for us to survive as a nation after looking we need to make some changes.

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Confession is the Key

We hear of people struggling with addictions, personal issues or other things and ask why is it I am unable to change? The desire to do right and reality of real change is found in confession, it is the key to unlocking the grace of God and pouring it into your life.

Confession is today’s Christianity is caught somewhere between admitting sins to a person in a cubicle or using confession for personal gain but what is confession according to the Bible? In Isaiah 1:18 we read, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” But the word of the Lord is not implying we negotiate with God until we come to understanding rather it is the exact opposite. It means we as humans must resolve sin and see it as God does and then confessing the wrong and our need of God’s grace coming into play.

When we are in the sin, repent, sin, repent cycle we are bound to whatever hinders us until we understand sin as God does then utilize His plan.

If you are struggling and feel trapped in the sin, repent, sin repent cycle, let the process of you and God reasoning together become a reality. The sooner you see your sin the way God does and confess it, the sooner His grace comes in and we are free. Confession is the key!

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Less nations more people

Jesus told us one of the signs prior to His coming would be wars and rumors of wars and nations warring with each other and ethnic groups against ethnic groups, Matt.24:6, 7.

Obviously the 20th Century showed this reality far too many times and the current century truly is headed the same direction with blinding speed.

One interesting aspect of this prophecy has been the elimination of sovereign nations and their identities that has been pushing the One World Order along without hesitation.

After World War I Europe was subdivided and people from one nation found themselves being ruled by another which subsequently led to World War II. The same pattern followed in Europe when the Iron Curtain kept Eastern Europe under Soviet control despite keeping their national language and names.

Today we have seen the borders of Europe removed with little distinction between nations and we see the essence of ten rulers coming out of Europe in a much clearer light then before.

The wars and rumors of wars are inevitable just as nations and ethnic groups clashing, but with that comes the hope and assurance that Jesus will return for His church.

All the blending of nations and removing borders can never make people get along however, Jesus will rule with righteousness and equity, until then, stay close to Him.

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“Stay Away from the Bear!”

I like the story of the hunter and the bear that were both in need. The hunter was cold and desired a fur coat and the bear was in need of a meal. Through the art and skill of negotiation both got what they wanted, the hunter got his fur coat and the bear got his meal simultaneously.

While it might seem like a stretch to use that illustration it really is a very accurate description of the world we live in. People want the quick fix, don’t want to wait for anything and the days of our nations’ leaders being resolute and staying the course has given way to the wind blowing and changing the course of entire nations in moments.

Nations today are bankrupt after the quick fixes to jump start the economy, and entire industries have collapsed trying the same thing and despot leaders now flourish as negotiations only delay the inevitable wars.

The Apostle Paul wrote when men would cry peace and safety sudden destruction would come like birth pangs of a woman in labor, we are seeing that today.

As a Christian don’t sell yourself short, be faithful to the faithful God and above all stay away from the bear!

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“One More Coin”

The gold Dinar was once the most commonly used coin in the Moslem world until 1924 when the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Until recently the gold Dinar has been obscure until a Muslim group in Malaysia has started to mint the coin again and other Moslems are expressing interest in doing the same.

During the 1970’s the Saudi royal family expressed the desire to create a one-world economic system based on the Arab petrol dollar. At first it was the Euro that connected the petrol dollar to Europe’s industrial complex, but the Dinar in mass production could alter the financial system even more.

The desire of world conquest by extreme Moslem elements, their call for nations to stop using the U.S. dollar and the price of oil all show immense economic pressure that can be brought to bear on America.

It’s not just one more coin; the revival of the Dinar is but one more piece of the puzzle that is coming together very quickly.

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It’s for righteousness

The dialogue between John the Baptist and Jesus at the River Jordan is one of the greatest recorded in the scriptures. As the Baptist argued with the Messiah he was directed to a most divine principle as Jesus told him it was necessary to be baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness – Matt. 3:14-15, But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

John had told people he was not worthy to undo the shoes of the one coming (Luke 3:16) and as the lamb that would take away the sin of the world (John 1:36). This is truly one of the greatest examples ever, Jesus had avoided all protocol and entitlement to show us the right way to servanthood.

Jesus was defining His right standing with God because He is submitting Himself in principle and by example not because He needed to be baptized. It is not just awesome to see Jesus setting His example but also to see John the Baptist submit to the concept as well.

John the Baptist and Jesus both defined leadership not by assertion but by mutual submission. Leadership is not standing at the crossroads giving directions but rather saying follow me, something we all need to do.

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Feeling good or right standing

We live in a world based on self realization, inner strength and personal esteem and these concepts have been woven into the fabric of the church. So how should the Christian identify themselves to others and more importantly how do they present themselves to God?

In Bible times, cultures gave people their identity, that is the individual was viewed as a product of the family, the city or village they lived in and their religious affiliation rather than just national identity.

Paul wrote in Philippians 3:4-6, Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: 5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; 6  Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

To truly be where God wants us is not worrying about our self esteem, but rather are we righteous, that is a right standing with God because of His grace.

That is where we all need to be, it is where God wants because after all, it is not about me it should be about Jesus in me.

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Righteous with the Father

One of the greatest promises Jesus ever made to His disciples was that He had to go away and send the Holy Spirit – John 16:5-11. But with all of the sermons and teachings ever done concerning this passage no one seems to focus on verse 10 where Jesus states, “of righteousness because I go to My Father.”

Following the ministry of Jesus up to this point and knowing what would be happening in the future this is a powerful principle. Jesus would return to His Father after the completion of all He was designated to do, which thankfully He did! His birth, life, ministry, death, burial and resurrection were all about serving others and glorifying the Father.

So, Jesus is telling His disciples it is both necessary to leave so the Holy Spirit could come to us, but to complete the process Jesus had to return to His father in righteousness.

The righteousness of Jesus is seen in completion and the Holy Spirit was sent to us to help us accomplish the same goal. Jesus went away only after He completed what the Father wanted Him to do and He will return for us when it is time for the next phase.

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What’s the Difference?

First we saw children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance while excluding or omitting the name of God. Then the uproar over a street named in honor of fallen heroes of 9-11 because the word heaven is used and it is considered to be offensive to certain segments of our society.

We cannot use the name of God or refer to heaven because they are “Christian” concepts. Perhaps we could make things much easier for everybody by eliminating the word Hell from the scripts of movies, television shows, songs and whatever other expressions used by people in the media. After all if you stretch Heaven to be a Christian concept, where does Hell fit in since Jesus referred to it more than He did Heaven?

The concept of people being offended at Heaven and yet throwing Hell around with no regard is truly a paradox. When it comes to terminology Hell in one form or another is central to many different religious beliefs just as Heaven is. How can you embrace Hell and reject Heaven at the same time? In a world full of double standards we need to ask, what’s the difference?

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