Tag Archives: righteousness

Righteous with the Father

One of the greatest promises Jesus ever made to His disciples was that He had to go away and send the Holy Spirit – John 16:5-11. But with all of the sermons and teachings ever done concerning this passage no one seems to focus on verse 10 where Jesus states, “of righteousness because I go to My Father.”

Following the ministry of Jesus up to this point and knowing what would be happening in the future this is a powerful principle. Jesus would return to His Father after the completion of all He was designated to do, which thankfully He did! His birth, life, ministry, death, burial and resurrection were all about serving others and glorifying the Father.

So, Jesus is telling His disciples it is both necessary to leave so the Holy Spirit could come to us, but to complete the process Jesus had to return to His father in righteousness.

The righteousness of Jesus is seen in completion and the Holy Spirit was sent to us to help us accomplish the same goal. Jesus went away only after He completed what the Father wanted Him to do and He will return for us when it is time for the next phase.

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Time For Change

Can you remember a time when there has been more controversy in our nation and more people at odds with each other?

If it’s not abortion, it’s sexual preference and if not those issues, it is the stimulus package or healthcare reform or the war on terror.

Realistically,  you will be hard-pressed to find any two people that agree on any of these issues but what about the bigger picture? Our country continues to slide down from the top of the financial mountain it once stood alone at the top of. Militarily,  other than China or Russia , no nation could match our nation’s might or its resolve to win.

While poverty was always with us,  no nation could boast of our bounty and its distribution to other nations in need. Should we expand social programs and cut the military,  or visa verse?  The speculation could go on forever so consider this: Proverbs 14:34, 35

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. The king’s favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.”

Controversy and debate will always be with us. Perhaps we should consider turning back to G-d, it would change the situation.

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