Tag Archives: wrath

Romanov Russia

The old cliché states “history always repeats itself” but have you ever wondered why this is true?

It is because of us. That is, mankind.And history bears this out in the fact that there are so many years of war as opposed to so  few years of peace.

First – James 4:1-3 defines wars coming from the internal mechanism that bypasses God’s desire. Therefore it is our lust and need to temporarily satisfy that lust that causes conflict.

Second – Mankind has an incredible ability to mess up a good thing, starting with Adam and Eve all the way up to the very present moment. Some empires start off good and go bad, some are evil from the onset but that self destructive nature always overrides morals and ethics.

Assyria, Persia, Greece, both the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, Arab Empire, Mameluke Ottoman Empire, Spanish, Romanov Russia and the Empire of Great Britain all had common bonds. Every world superpower made advances in every area possible: arts, education, engineering, and science.

All of the above world powers had another parallel, they lasted an average of 238 years. Time always works against any entity, nation or political force that does not keep God at the center of its operation, because we are by nature children of wrath – Eph. 2:3

That’s why I pray for Jesus’ Kingdom to come because His government will never end and it will be righteous and equitable for all.

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Time For Change

Can you remember a time when there has been more controversy in our nation and more people at odds with each other?

If it’s not abortion, it’s sexual preference and if not those issues, it is the stimulus package or healthcare reform or the war on terror.

Realistically,  you will be hard-pressed to find any two people that agree on any of these issues but what about the bigger picture? Our country continues to slide down from the top of the financial mountain it once stood alone at the top of. Militarily,  other than China or Russia , no nation could match our nation’s might or its resolve to win.

While poverty was always with us,  no nation could boast of our bounty and its distribution to other nations in need. Should we expand social programs and cut the military,  or visa verse?  The speculation could go on forever so consider this: Proverbs 14:34, 35

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. The king’s favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.”

Controversy and debate will always be with us. Perhaps we should consider turning back to G-d, it would change the situation.

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