Tag Archives: Peace Accords

The Best and the Worst of Times

The information keeps pouring in of thriving business ventures in Israel along with expanding economy and vigorous investments being made. Now Israel has climbed to the number four on the list of exporting nations in the world up from the sixth spot just a few years ago. This is all happening under the pressure of nations and organizations organizing boycotts and implementing divesting of holdings in the Jewish State.

Now we must make mention of the pressure of what is called the two-nation solution that has done nothing but strengthen terrorism allowing an infrastructure bent on destruction. The guise of peaceful coexistence with this plan has only brought about multiple violations of not just the original but subsequent Peace Accords signed by the Palestinians.

If you tally not just the death toll, but the damage to vehicles, buildings and the need for long term healthcare for the injured, who knows how many good things could have been accomplished?

The British and the Irish, North and South Korea, the Indian-Pakistan conflict are but a few examples of two-nation solutions that have accomplished little, and Israel fares much worse due to the proximity of her neighboring nations.

To see Israel today is to see the best and the worst of times but how exciting to see God blessing in spite of the opposition and even better He’s not done yet.

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All That Glitters is Not Gold

Have you noticed that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are courting Syria, trying to draw them away from their allegiance with Iran?

Of course on paper this is the absolute right thing to do, pull away from the fundamental Islam terrorist nation and align yourself with the more moderate nations.

Personally this troubles me because I believe the long range implications will be devastating for Israel and her security and safety as a sovereign nation.

If Syria does break away from Iran and appear, emphasis on appear to become moderate, then certainly more pressure can be brought to bear on Israel to give up more land specifically to Golan Heights.

The pattern that both the Palestinians and the Arab nations that lost so much territory during the  appear moderate, negotiate and given in “peace” what you lost and could not retrieve in subsequent hostilities.

One cannot help but be distressed to see how many Israeli civilians have been killed or wounded since the inception of the Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinians.

If Syria wants to do right by Israel, then she can stop sponsoring terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, dismantle the 40,000 rockets pointed at Israel, withdraw from Lebanon and then there might be hope. Until then it is nothing more that smoke and mirrors.

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